Your coding journey starts here! In this journey, you are the hero and we are the guide who wants to support you, just like in the movie "The Karate Kid”.

We didn't create the content of the trainings, but everyone at Datajiro has taken or is taking these trainings. So we know the way!

The trainings you will receive are among the best in their respective fields. You can check the reviews on Class Central.

Datajiro takes its name from the anime “Kimetsu No Yaiba”.

To learn more about us:

<aside> 🔆 To start, make sure to read the instructions and watch the movie. After that, send an email to **[email protected]** to introduce yourself.


<aside> 🌙 After completing the trainings, we expect you to continue the same cycle and support new participants by attending meetings. No pressure or obligations!



Training Program